Monday, November 25, 2013

Postcard Art - Diaz Emelin - Sea Fishes

First I grabbed some magazine, and look for pictures that I thought were interesting. As I flip to the magazines I cut a picture of  Fishes, Eye, And a skyline. Then I  grabbed tape and grabbed my picture of the fishes and I grabbed the tape and put it on top of the picture until it was all covered by the tape I went to the same process for the other two pictures I had then I grabbed a bucket i filled it up with hot water then I grabbed a stick and started to burnish the paper for about 3 min then  I put it in the bucket so it could soak in the  hot water  I did the same process for the other two then I grabbed one picture and took it out and started to take the paper away with my hands by rubbing it. Then I my image was transparent.Then I grabbed the Note card and did a design as the sea I cut my fishes and glue them in the note card then I just colored them with markers.

What I learned by Developing my Craft is how to transferred the image into the tape and get the same exact image.

I Created a unity with my transfer and my image background by trying to make my image like the sea with the bubbles and the fishes swimming. I also tried to make my fishes colorful so they can stand up. Then I also made the bubbles go over my fishes so I can make it seem like the bubbles are going pass the fishes.

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