Thursday, February 20, 2014

Appropriated Artwork: Gabriela Medina, Lost in A Broken Place

A division of a crappy neighborhood and beautiful city. Smoke covers street, no one in site but child’s laughter from a distance. As I turned a small trashed house stood there, I immediately walk towards the house as if it was my own. I pushed the door open to be hit w/ the scent of body odor. Nose wrinkles to the horrible aroma. I followed further into the home, pieces of title shook under my feet. A loud bang comes from behind. A trail of red covers the ground leading you into a broken kitchen. The sink overflowed with dirty water. Pig’s blood filled the wall as a garbage bag shook and shrieked. The backdoor burst open as group of pigs ran in, a husky voice calling behind. I quickly ran out of the house struggling to open the door. But made it out to the populated neighborhood. The kids were no longer heard of, pig’s blood covered the street. I ran out of the neighborhood and into the city. My body hit another, he shook me to stand straight. The air filled with different cultures of food. Everyone walked past the unknown deserted neighborhood as if it doesn't exist…

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